Friday, March 1, 2013

And more snow...

I bet you all are tired of seeing blog posts about snow.  Well, so am I.  Stupid Wisconsin.

As we were driving home from preschool, the girls begged to play outside in the snow (we got 6" of snow on Wednesday, and another inch early this morning, for a total on the ground of around a foot).  So we decided to postpone lunch and play outside.  As always, eating snow was the first thing the girls wanted to do:

Then Amelia played hide and seek with the snowman's carrot nose.  They both had fun digging in the snow looking for the carrot (which they couldn't find):

And then Megan had to take a break to eat some more snow:

Megan started digging up the garden, and then climbed on top so she could be tall:

Amelia threw some snow in the air:

 And then they took a break to share a big snowball with each other:

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