Wednesday, April 24, 2013

First Day at the Park in 2013

We finally went to the park this morning, for the first time all year.  It was sunny outside after preschool was over, and Amelia overheard one of her preschool friends planning a trip to the park, so the girls begged to go, too.  I thought it would be fun, even though it was only 43 degrees and kind of windy.  They chose the race car park, and we had a great time.  We had our first 60 degree day on Monday, but we stayed near the house then coloring with chalk and playing with the fairy garden because I wanted to clean up the garden a little.

Anyway, the girls are going to have so much fun playing at the park this summer!  Megan can now do just about anything Amelia can do, and Amelia loves to have Megan tagging along after her.  Showing Megan how to do things helps Amelia be a little more brave about things like the monkey bars or the long dark slide.

They discovered a huge leaf pile outside the park fence, and played in that for about 20 minutes.  We didn't get to play in the leaves last fall (our two spindly trees dropped no more than 50 leaves between them last fall) and so they had wonderful time throwing leaves on each other and burying themselves in the leaves.  They didn't want to go home for lunch, they were having so much fun!

I think they're going to need baths tonight!

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