Monday, May 13, 2013

Dandelion Girl

When we came home from preschool today, the girls wanted to go outside and pick dandelions.  We went across the street and picked dandelions in the field for probably 45 minutes.  Now we have huge bouquets on our dining room table, on the girls' table, in Amelia's room and in Megan's room.  Amelia wanted to put a bouquet on the mantel, but I convinced her that they would be more cheerful in her room.

Guess I need some more practice making dandelion crowns!  Amelia's favorite photo is the one of her looking up cross-eyed at the crown on her head.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the second picture in the best, but I also like the cross-eyed picture. From whom did she inherit her silliness? :)

  3. I love these pictures! I like the sequence of them and that cross eyed picture is awesome! No pictures of Megan and dandelions?
