Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Hootie Hustle

The parent organization (randomly called the SCO, not the PTA) at Amelia's school organized a fun run today to raise money for the school.  It was called the Hootie Hustle, after their mascot Hootie the Hawk.  Nathaniel and I went to watch Amelia and the rest of the first graders run this morning.   Amelia ran really fast at first; all the first graders took off sprinting as soon as they were told to start.  She only slowed down to a walk twice that I could see, both times when she got a drink of water. 

I was wondering how they would keep track of the number of laps that each child had run, but they cleverly used a Sharpie to mark each lap on the back of the child's shirt.

She had a smile on her face pretty much the entire time.  I think she really enjoyed herself.

The SCO had predicted that first graders would run about 22 laps, and Amelia ran 27!  Two of the kids in her class ran 28, but I didn't see any who ran more than that.   Here she is after the race with one of her friends.

 I sat with the kids for a few minutes after their race when they were eating a snack and drinking from their new water bottles.  All of the kids said they had fun, and it was cute because they all seemed excited to get to talk to me about their race.

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