Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Going to see Santa

I wasn't planning on taking the girls to see Santa this year, but after "nap"time today, Amelia asked when we were going to see him.  She was adamant that she had to see him to tell him what she wants for Christmas.  So, we trekked over to the mall, where they had a very nice setup for Santa.  Amelia watched as two different families of kids sat on Santa's lap, and we talked about what she should say to Santa.  When it was our turn, I lifted her up to Santa's lap, she told Santa what she wants for Christmas, and she even mostly smiled for a photo.  What a difference from last year!

Megan, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Santa.  Ben got within 4 feet of Santa while carrying Megan, and she started screaming bloody murder.  Since we had to pay for the photo, we decided it wasn't worth trying to put her on Santa's lap (although I would have loved to get a screaming baby photo with Santa like Jen got last year.)

As we were driving home, Amelia started asking questions about Santa, like "Where are his reindeer?" and "Where will he sleep tonight?" and "Where are all the other Santas?"  At 3 and a half, if she starting to question the existence of Santa already?

Oh, and what does Amelia want for Christmas this year?  A magic wand.

1 comment:

  1. The answers given to the above questions:
    1) The reindeer can't come in the mall, so they have a special place to rest on the roof.
    2) Back to the North Pole, of course!
    3) I don't remember her asking that one.
