Friday, April 25, 2014

Recycle Night

Ben took the girls to Recycle Night at Megan's preschool on Tuesday, and they each brought home a creation.  Here's Megan with her butterfly (the blue cap is the head, the pink, green, blue and red caps are the wings, and, Megan was excited to tell me, the silver cap on the bottom is the butterfly's butt):

Amelia made a balloon blower-upper machine.  The air comes up the bottle in the back, then down the bottle in the front, through the paper towel rolls, and into the glove balloons.

Ben said the raw materials were pretty picked over by the time they got there, so he made Megan a bubble wrap dress, but she refused to model it for me.

We've read a few books about Earth Day this week, including a fun book about the diary of a plastic bottle, which gives a very basic explanation of a distillation column.  Ben and I got a kick out of that.  The girls are good at reminding us to turn off lights, and have been excited to go on trash picking up walks the last few days. 

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